
Shut­ter­fly Home Décor Cam­paign: From big idea to mul­ti­chan­nel exe­cu­tions includ­ing site, social, dis­play, email, and print ads appear­ing in HGTV and Martha Stew­art Liv­ing.

Shut­ter­fly Hol­i­day Cam­paign: From ini­tial con­cept deck to cat­a­logs in 18 mil­lion mail­box­es and bill­boards in Times Square gar­ner­ing over 2 mil­lion dai­ly impres­sions.

Back to School 2019: Pitched five con­cepts for Shut­ter­fly­’s first ever back-to-school cam­paign, includ­ing the win­ning con­cept that came to life across all chan­nels.

Wel­come to the All-New Shut­ter­fly: Video intro­duc­ing the revamped Shut­ter­fly pho­to plat­form.